Isaiah Quote on the ‘Far’ and the ‘Near’ (2:17-18)

Isaiah Quote on the ‘Far’ and the ‘Near’ (2:17-18)

The Summation of All Things in Christ

Studies in Ephesians with a Local Church Emphasis

Lesson 31 : Isaiah Quote on the ‘Far’ and the ‘Near’ (2:17-18)

Peace  –  Quote from Isaiah 57:19, the ‘Far’ and the ‘Near’  –  Gentile – Jewish vertical relationship to God primarily in view  –  When did Christ preach peace to the Gentiles?  –  Preaching to both the ‘far’ and the ‘near’ reinforces the concept that the church was a new entity in the New Testament  –  The access through Christ is corporate in nature in this verse  –  Reference to the Trinity  –  Appendix: Greek Detail for Christ’s ‘Coming’ to Preach Peace