The Mystery Explained (3:6)

The Mystery Explained (3:6)

The Summation of All Things in Christ

Studies in Ephesians with a Local Church Emphasis

Lesson 45 : The Mystery Explained  (3:6)

Paul used three ‘together with’ prefixed words  –  The Gentiles are heirs ‘together with’, fellow heirs, joint heirs  –  The Gentiles are ‘together with’ the same body  –  The Gentiles are partakers ‘together with’, partners  –  The first and third words have Jewish overtones, the second word is purely Christian  –  This reflects back on Paul’s comments in 2:11-22  –  While salvation is foundational in this union between the Jews and Gentiles, the context is ecclesiastical  –  ‘Of the same body’ defined  –  ‘Fellow heirs, joint heirs, heirs together with’ defined  –  This argues against the Amillenial understanding of the New Testament  –  The Jews and Gentiles are equal within the ecclesias  –  Jewish and Gentile believers alike anticipate a spiritual heritage in our futures  –  Saved Jews and Gentiles are together within the ecclesia but saved Gentiles are not part of Israel  –  ‘Partakers together with his promise’ defined  –  What promise?  –  In Christ because of the gospel  –  This demands a local-church application