Is Jesus Christ at Home in our Hearts? (3:17)

Is Jesus Christ at Home in our Hearts? (3:17)

The Summation of All Things in Christ

Studies in Ephesians with a Local Church Emphasis

Lesson 56 : Is Jesus Christ at Home in our Hearts?  (3:17)

The mystery of the Trinity – the work of Christ and of the Holy Spirit is often equated in the New Testament  –  ‘Dwell’ means ‘to live, dwell, to take up one’s abode’, hence, ‘to reside, to inhabit, to colonize, to settle down’  –  Paul is not talking about our salvation  –  The mis-use of ‘inviting Jesus into your heart’  –  ‘Believing in Christ’ is more than mere mental assent  –  How does this relate to the omnipresence of God?  –  ‘Believing in Christ’ (justification and salvation) is not the same as ‘fellowship with Christ’ (sanctification)  –  Appendix A: More Than ‘Asking Jesus into Your Heart’   –  The meaning of Rev 3:20   –  Is Christ ‘at home’ in our hearts?