The Ascended Christ Who Fills All Things (4:10)

The Ascended Christ Who Fills All Things (4:10)

The Summation of All Things in Christ

Studies in Ephesians with a Local Church Emphasis

Lesson 83 : The Ascended Christ Who Fills All Things  (4:10)

Emphatic: the One who descended is also the One who ascended  –  The order given by Paul makes the ‘Pentecost’ theory highly unlikely  –  The emphasis is upon ‘He and no other’  –  The plurality of heavens  –  Regardless of the number of heavens, Christ is above all (the Deity of Christ)  –  The One who ascended is the One who fills all things (Jesus Christ)  –  ‘Fills all things’ relates back to Ephesians 1:23  –  This filling is universal  –  Context: since Christ is sovereign over the universe, He has the right to bestow gifts