Christ given to be Head over All Things To and For the Ecclesia (1:22-23)

Christ given to be Head over All Things To and For the Ecclesia (1:22-23)

The Summation of All Things in Christ

Studies in Ephesians with a Local Church Emphasis

Lesson 14 : Christ given to be Head over All Things To and For the Ecclesia  (1:22-23)

The most difficult verses in Ephesians  –  Humbling verses  –  He and He alone is head  –  Head over all things to the assembly  –  Christ as the Head of the churches  –  The important role of Christ’s assembly of believers  –  Keeping the scriptures in their original setting  –  Uses of the word ‘head’  –  ‘Head’ and ‘body’ an organic union  –  The fulness of Him who fills all in all  –  What is Paul saying in these verses?  –  ‘Fulness’ (pleroma) defined