An Overview of the Bema Seat of Christ

An Overview of the Bema Seat of Christ


Studies in the Scriptures of the Last Things

An Overview of the Bema Seat of Christ

What is the Bema Seat?  –  Who will be the Judge of the Bema Seat?  –  Who will be judged at the Bema Seat?  –  How will those present at the Bema Seat be judged?  –  What will be judged at the Bema Seat?:  (1)  PURPOSE: TO BE JUDGED FOR THE DEEDS DONE WHILE ON EARTH  (2)  THIS IS A SERIOUS, SOBER APPOINTMENT FOR ALL BELIEVERS  –  What will be the standard of judgment at the Bema Seat?  –  What will be the results of the Bema Seat?  –  Will all in heaven be watching when we are before the Judgment Seat?  –  THE RESULTS OF THE EXAMINATION OF THE BEMA SEAT  –  What effect should the Bema Seat have on us here and now?:  (1)  BALANCE BETWEEN COWARING FEAR AND LAWLESS DISOBEDIENCE (ANTINOMINIANISM)  (2)  REMINDER TO DO OUR BEST  (3)  REMINDER NOT TO COMPARE OTHERS WITH OTHERS  (4)  REMINDER NOT TO COMPARE OURSELVES WITH OTHERS  (5)  WE SHOULD HAVE PEACE AND SATISFACTION KNOWING ‘THE LORD KNOWS!’  (6)  THIS SHOULD MAKE US MORE GRACIOUS TOWARDS OTHERS THAT DIFFER IN THE ‘GRAY’ AREAS  (7)  REMINDER THAT WE SHOULD BE AWARE OF OUR INFLUENCE UPON OTHERS  (8)  THIS SHOULD MAKE US MORE GRACIOUS TOWARDS OTHERS WHO CANNOT DO SOMETHING AS WELL AS WE MIGHT (OR THINK WE CAN)  –  Conclusion: What we do matters! How we live matters! Not as before others, not to impress others — but as unto the Lord!