The Summation of All Things in Christ
Studies in Ephesians with a Local Church Emphasis
Lesson 32 : The Present Position of Gentile Christians (2:19-20)
Imagery of the state: ‘you are fellow citizens with the saints’ – Imagery of a household: ‘members of the household of God’ – Imagery of a building: ‘built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus being the cornerstone’ – The NT assembly was already ‘built’ prior to the Ephesian readers – The foundation is not Christ but the apostles and prophets (the importance of keeping metaphors in their context) – Note the foundation of the ecclesia is not Israel (contra Amillenialists) – The prophets were NT prophets – Apostles defined – In what way were the apostles and prophets the foundation of the church? – Is Jesus the ‘cornerstone’ or ‘capstone’