The Blessing of the Gentiles (3:3-4)

The Blessing of the Gentiles (3:3-4)

The Summation of All Things in Christ

Studies in Ephesians with a Local Church Emphasis

Lesson 43 : The Blessing of the Gentiles  (3:3-4)

‘Mystery’ defined  –  The ancient pagan religions also had their ‘mysteries’  –  The ‘mystery’ is more than God blessing the Gentiles  –  The Old Testament taught the Gentiles were to be blessed, the Gentiles were to be accepted within Israel, and the Gentiles were to be in the future kingdom with Israel  –  Paul uses the OT to justify his ministry to the Gentiles  –  Paul’s ‘mystery’ in Ephesians goes beyond what could be taught using the Old Testament  –  To what was Paul referring when he said ‘as I have briefly wrote’?  –  The public reading of the Word of God  –  The importance of the Word of God