The Doxology (3:20-21)

The Doxology (3:20-21)

The Summation of All Things in Christ

Studies in Ephesians with a Local Church Emphasis

Lesson 59 : The Doxology   (3:20-21)

What is a doxology?  –  The link between Paul’s prayer and the doxology  –  The three elements of all New Testament doxologies  –  Now to Him ‘Who has the power to do’  –  ‘The highest form of comparison imaginable’  –  Paul brings all believers into his prayer and doxology  –  God is not limited by our capacity to ask  –  The ascription of glory to God the Father  –  The most unique doxology recorded in the New Testament, ‘in the congregation, assembly, church’  –  Listing of the doxologies in the New Testament  –  Unusual order, the assembly of believers, then Christ  –  Eternity conceived of consisting of ‘ages’ endlessly succeeding one another  –  ‘Amen’ defined